Human Energy Bodies As Bio-Energy System

All the human organs correspond to energies fluctuating in the cosmos. According to ancient techniques, subtle words of the cosmos create our individual bodies. Like in the universe our energetic system consists of 7 worlds and has 7 primary bodies or auric layers that interact with each other. These bodies consist of the energy of the corresponding universal worlds accordingly deal with them and receive the energetic information from them. Besides the physical bodies, our individual energy system consists of ether, astral, mental, karmic, intuitive, nirvana, and absolute subtle energetic bodies that form our Aura – Human Energy Field or Bio-Energy System.

All subtle bodies in a human energy system communicate with each other and all with the physical body, through the energetic transformers- Chakras. Chakras transform cosmic universal life support energies into human energy system.

In Sanskrit, the chakra is a wheel of life. Indian tradition considers invisible chakras as centers of consciousness. All humans have chakras whether we aware or not. In fact, Chakras are centers of different levels of consciousness ranging almost bodily to highly spiritual.

Healthy chakras spin all the time bringing energy to the physical body and all its energy layers. Chakras play a very important role in well-being and health. The locations and functions of the major chakras are closely related to the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system. The chakras are located on the spinal cord, the head, and the heart plexus.

The 1st Chakra

Muladhar - मूलाधार - also known as The Root Chakra

It is located in the coccyx. The color is red. This chakra represents the physical body and corresponds to it.

The 2nd Chakra

Swadhishthana - स्वाधिष्ठान - also known as The Sacral Chakra

It is located in the sacrum (lower abdomen). The color is orange. The Chakra represents an energetic body and corresponds to it.

The 3rd chakra

Manipura - मणिपूर - also known as The Solar Plexus

It is located in the sacrum (lower abdomen). The color is orange. The Chakra represents an energetic body and corresponds to it.

The 4th Chakra

Anahata - अनाहत - also known as The Heart Chakra

It is located at the 5th thoracic vertebra (chest). The color is green. It is related to the mental body (Intellect).

The 5th Chakra

Vishudha - विशुद्ध - also known as The Throat Chakra

It is located at thyroid level. Color is blue. It is related to karma.

The 6th Chakra

Ajna – आज्ञ - also known as Third eye

It is located at forehead. The color is blue. It is connected to the intuitive body (Intuitions). It is a center of physical energy.

The 7 th chakra

Sahasrara- सहस्र- also known as The Crown.

It is located at the 5th thoracic vertebra (chest). The color is green. It is related to the mental body (Intellect).

Chakra is a wheel-like spinning vortex that penetrates the physical body with the outer ends of each vortex forming a specific layer of the auric field. The circular motions form a vacuum in the center that draws everything it encounters at its particular vibrational level. It is then processed and returned to the auric field. The major 7 chakras of the human body are aligned along the spinal column while secondary chakras are located in the palms, the soles and in the arms and legs.

In the study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system. The chakras exist on all levels of the aura and serve as linking mechanisms between the auric field and the physical body as well as linking mechanisms between different levels of the auric field itself. It is usually believed that the 3 lower chakras correlate to basic needs – those of survival, procreation, and will. The 4 higher chakras are concerned with our psychological make-up – defining love, communication, knowledge, and connection with the spiritual realms.