Concept Of


Acupuncture is a science for the prevention of disease and for the maintenance of health. It is a scientific method of treating diseases by puncturing body surface with tiny needles to balance the patient’s vital energy. The practice consists of stimulating or dispersing the flow of energy within the body by the insertion of needles into specific points on the surface, by applying heat (moxibustion) and by pressing points (acupressure).

According to the Chinese hypothesis, the human body is endowed with a definite energy quotient at birth. While this energy is being dissipated through fluctuating daily life, it is simultaneously being replenished by energy obtained from food, air (inclusive of all-pervading electromagnetic energy) and energy exercises. Energy imbalance caused by excessive or insufficient energy is the root cause of all illnesses. The total absence of energy is death.

Energy is believed to be circulated throughout the body in well-defined cycles; moving in a prescribed sequence from organ to bowel via the meridians, it flows partly at the periphery and partly in the interior of the body. The energy within the body is considered to be a dynamic force in constant flux; this is a leading principle in Chinese medicine, an important hypothesis within the framework of which the empirical theory of acupuncture was developed.

Acupuncture could promote increased blood circulation among the organs, especially those of the digestive system. Acupuncture could help relieve apoplexy and could also regulate blood pressure.

History Of


Acupuncture is usually associated with China. But acupuncture has progressed further in China; it is not entirely of Chinese possession. Research has revealed existence of acupuncture treatment in the Indus valley in India during the Stone Age, among the Bantus of South Africa, among Eskimos and in Brazil. In India reference of Vedhan or Vyadhar indicates the term “Soochee Shastra“ means to prick or to insert a needle. There are clear indications that acupuncture traveled from India through Nepal to China where it was preserved and nourished since ancient times.

Today World Health Organization has accepted acupuncture as a recognized modality of science.

Man’s original medical tool is his hands, which he has instinctively used in order to relieve pain. Whenever he is struck, stung or seized with cramps, he involuntarily put his hands to the painful spot in order to protect it or rub, knead or massage it.

In China, it was obviously realized from very early that massage not only helped to relieve local pain, it was also seen that the stimulation of certain areas of the skin could affect the internal organs. Experience of over thousands of years associated remedial massage with the same acupuncture points and meridians.